
This page contains personal projects and those made for educational purposes.

Ni(i)na’s Tea

An illustration project that went from “How should a tea packaging look like” to “What kind of illustrations would i love to see more of around me” with a pinch of a thought experiment: “What if Nina had a tea brand?”
(you can find out more about her on Personal Art page)
The goal was to invoke a feeling of warmth and cozyness.

Medium: Watercolor, Colored Inks, Colored Pencils.

Mediums: Watercolor, Colored Inks, Colored Pencils.

Hungry Toasts

Simple food ideas for days when hyperfocus carries you a bit too far and by the time you remember to feed your body, it’s too weak for a long cooking session.

Each variation constitutes a meal for times when a toast is all you have strength for. And all of the ingredients involved can be consumed with little to no preparation.

The Stars’ Appraiser

In a world under the Crystaline Tree a dragon’s soul weighs heavier than most. Few understand what it trully means and fewers still, what it’d mean for the world if such souls stayed in one place for too long.

Art of the protagonist and the street she lives and works on.
Most of the time.

Mediums: Watercolor, Colored Inks, Colored Pencils

Mediums: Watercolor, Colored Inks, Colored Pencils.

Ceramania poster

An academic assignment poster for Ceramania – the largest market of handmade ceramic goods in Russia. The flowers in the bouquette are referenced from actual ceramic and stained glass creations.

Art for print

A practice illustration for “The grit of Nikki Luna” by Pam Musni (original illustration for the article by Mica Bacani).

Medium: Watercolor, Colored Inks, Colored Pencils.